Precursor Area visualisation in AutoQC

Precursor Area visualisation in AutoQC dhabaker  2024-03-06 09:05:45


I am having trouble visualizing both the precursor area and precursor mass error visualization for my QC replicates. However, the retention time visualization seems to work well for the same replicates. I have attached a file showing this error.

Can you please assist with this issue?

Please let me know if any further details are required regarding this.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Vagisha Sharma responded:  2024-03-06 12:38:30

Hi Dhanwin,

Thanks for your question. I looked at the Skyline documents recently uploaded to your QC folder. For most of the molecules I don't see a chromatogram, and the precursor areas are N/A. That is why you don't see them in Panorama either. It may be that you need to adjust the settings in Skyline (Skyline > Transition Settings > Full-Scan) so that it can do a better job of chromatogram extraction from the raw files. You can get more help related to that on the Skyline support board at


dhabaker responded:  2024-03-07 07:07:56

Hello Vagisha,

Thank you for your prompt response and suggestion on adjusting the settings in Skyline. I am using the following settings (Attached file) currently for a DDA run acquired on timsTOF pro. Can you please suggest any particular modifications to these settings?

Best Regards,

Brendan MacLean responded:  2024-03-07 10:31:36

Please post this to the Skyline support page. (Help > Support in Skyline or

I will try to answer quickly on that support board after you post.