Problems with spectral library when uploading the project to Panorama Public

Problems with spectral library when uploading the project to Panorama Public Dorota Muth-Pawlak  2024-02-27 03:27:55


I would like to upload Skyline files with raw files to Panorama Public and Proteome Exchange. I receive the error indicating missing spectral library but I can see that the file is uploaded on Panorama web. Could you tell me what is the problem in current content of my folder? I attached the printscreen of the message I received. You can also find here project details.


Vagisha Sharma responded:  2024-02-27 07:59:36

Hi Dorota,

The files had been moved to the "SupplementaryFiles" directory where the data validator was unable to find them. This looks like a bug. Thanks for reporting it. I have moved the files back to the original location, and rerun data validation. You should now be able to see the raw files and search results files used to build the spectral libraries. These files will have to be uploaded to the "Raw Data" tab if you want a "complete" ProteomeXchange submission. You can see the latest data validation results by clicking the "Submit" button in the "Targeted MS Experiment" webpart.
