AutoQC feature request - add commands

AutoQC feature request - add commands jjotto  2023-06-14 09:05:33

I'd like to be able to trigger additional actions when AutoQC sees a new file that meets the conditions met in the configuration. For example, when new file is found, could it trigger a command line process using the filename and path as a variable? The AutoQC setup for monitoring works very well, and if I could trigger my standard Skyline report from the file as well as submitting a search via command line, that would be ideal. I'm currently using a powershell script that works intermittently to submit a file for search.

jeckels responded:  2023-06-16 17:22:56

Hi Joe,

Thanks for submitting the suggestion. Is there anything beyond the path to the new file that you expect would be needed or useful as a command-line argument?


jjotto responded:  2023-06-22 09:44:15

I don't think so. This is kind of what the powershell script I'm using looks like. It only uses the mass spec file path and name in the action. Once for the search submission and once to add it to a log file. When new file is found, $actionqe is run as below.

$actionqe =
"C:\Program Files\Thermo\Proteome Discoverer Daemon 3.0\System\Release\DiscovererDaemon" -l login information -p "C:\QEauto.param" "datafilepath.raw"
$logline = "$(Get-Date), datafilepath.raw"
Write-Output $logline
Add-content "C:\HeLa\QE_log.txt" -value $logline